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Purpose & Scope
Learning objectives
Physical identification (labels)

Incomplete capability

  • No identifiers are used for physical object instances.

  • Understanding the purpose and scope of physical identification

  • Being aware of the purpose and scope of type identification by part number.


Performed capability

  • To some extent, physical objects instances are manually global and uniquely defined by individual identifiers that are stable over time independent of in what IT-System the object is located.

  • To some extend, physical objects instances are manually marked with the individual identifier

Managed capability

  • All needed physical objects instances  are automatically global and uniquely defined by individual identifiers that are stable over time independent of in what IT-System the object is located.

  • All needed physical objects instances  are automatically marked with the individual identifier.

Physical objects are often identified by an identifier that is unique for each physical object. The identifier is placed on the physical object by some labeling technique.

The physical object may also be identified by a Part number that defines the type definition of the object. If there is a number of Physical objects with the same Part number it indicates that they are of the same type.



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