Purpose & Scope
Learning objectives
Process and method for CM planning
Incomplete capability
CM planning is not performed or only partially performed
CM plans are not generated
CM plans are generated but not used
Being able to describe the purpose and scope of CM Planning
Understanding the prerequisites necessary to perform CM planning
Being able to produce a CM plan tailored to the needs and preconditions of a specific system life cycle, system engineering approach and system of interest
Performed capability
CM planning is executed according to a policy
CM plans are tailored according to tailoring guidelines and offer support to the users and stakeholders
Managed capabilty
CM plans are generated at specified lifecycle stages, but offers limited support to the users and stakeholders
CM planning for the life cycle of a product is essential to achieve an effective, predictable, and repeatable CM process.
Comprehensive CM planning includes:
Applying the appropriate level of CM functions throughout the product’s life cycle
Implementing adequate CM policies and procedures
Assigning CM functional responsibilities to various organisational elements
Training of personnel with CM responsibilities and other CM stakeholders
Selecting and applying adequate resources, including CM software tools, competences etc
Establishing CM performance indicators to serve as a basis for continuous improvement
Assuring supplier's Configuration Management
Documenting the results of planning activities in a CM Plan
CMplus assets
Process description for CM planning
Template and guidelines for CM plan