Purpose & Scope
Learning objectives
CM standards compliance
Incomplete capability
No standards selected
Become aware of typical CM standards and their content.
Understand how CM standards can aid the organisation in the communication of configuration information, both internally and in collaboration with suppliers and other external stakeholders.
Performed capability
Standards have been selected but the level of compliance is unclear
Selecting and communicating which standards are taken into consideration and to what extent the organisation is compliant to these standards will result in:
A means to communicate internally and externally.
A support in setting the scope for CM activities.
A point of reference for collaboration with external stakeholders.
Managed capabilty
Standards have been selected and compliance is clearly defined
The organisation communicates to external stakeholders which standards are used and to what level they are followed
The organisation is able to define requirements on configuration management standards for their suppliers
CMplus assets
Compliance description for selected standard(s)
Application guidelines for selected standard(s)