Purpose & Scope
Learning objectives
CM roles and responsibilities
Incomplete capability
No, or few role definitions exists
Unclear authority and responisibility for Configuration Managers
Understanding what constitutes a good role description
Being aware of how responsibilities related to CM can be distributed between different roles.
Performed capability
Most role definitions exist, but are incomplete, ambiguous or not relevant
Role descriptions include authority and responsibility to some extent
Managed capability
All necessary roles are clearly defined with authorities and responsibilities
Defined roles are understood and implemented in the organisation
The purpose is to have clearly defined authorities and responsibilities with regards to CM for all the roles in the organsiation, such as:
Configuration Manager
Product owner
Project Manager
System engineer
Typically a CM have the responsibility for assuring that a change request follows the defined change process and for establishing traceability, but no responsibility for approving a change or deciding what items should be configuration controlled.
Often times there is a need to differentiate between severeral types of configuration managers (HW CM, SW CM, project CM, Product CM, Requirements CM)
CMplus assets
Role descriptions for all necessary types of Configuration Managers
Responsibility and mandate regarding CM for all relevant roles in the organisation