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Purpose & Scope
Learning objectives
CM competence networks

Incomplete capability

  • No competence network exist.

  • Competence network exist but with little or no activity.


  • Being aware of what role competence networks can have for competence development and for spreading awareness of CM in the organisation

Performed capability

  • Competence networks exist and provide some value to the participants and stakeholders.

CM competence networks are formal or informal organised forums or centres of excellence that enable exchange of knowledge and experiences regarding CM know-how, best practices and strategies for CM development.

Competence networks can exist both internally in the organisation as well as externally.


Plattforms for competence exchange are crucial for individual competence development, but also for promoting the importance of CM and build awareness of CM to all stakeholders. Competence networks can be established in several ways, such as:

  • Regular informal meetings amongst CM practitioners

  • Established groups with members, objectives and activities

  • Internet forums, Linkedin groups etc.

Managed capability

  • Competence networks are active and provide high value to the participators.

  • Competence networks are active in promoting the importance of CM to stakeholders.

CMplus assets
  • CM competence network plan

  • CM competence workshop themes and guidelines

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