Purpose & Scope
Learning objectives
CM competence development
Incomplete capability
CM competence exists but is not managed or developed in any controlled fashion.
Being aware of the scope of CM competence development
Understanding the need of CM competence for different roles in the organisation.
Performed capability
CM competence is partly developed and maintained but not in accordance with a strategic CM competence plan.
Managed capability
CM competence is developed and maintained on individual as well as organisational level meeting the business needs.
Competence development must be performed both on an individual and organisational level. This includes:
Evaluation of individual competence levels.
Training of people to meet a desired competence level.
Strategic competence planning.
The following roles usually requires CM competence:
Configuration Manager
Project Manager
System Engineer
Product Manager
Speciality Engineer
Requirements Manager
Quality Manager
ILS Manager
CMplus assets
CM competence descriptions supporting defined roles
Tutorials, handbooks and training material
CM competence register (experiences and formal training)
CM competence level indicators
Strategic CM competence plan